SCIENCE Student Council

자연과학대학 학생회 이미지


    CNS Student Council Room : Bldg. 28, 2nd floor


    College of Natural Sciences Student Council is a representative community for all undergraduate students in the college to realize students' autonomy. For particular aspects of school life, Student Council focuses on listening to the students and takes actions for improvement of university life. Moreover, the council plans for various events where every student body is invited to participate, and performs various projects.

    The College of Natural Sciences Student Council mainly consists of Management Committee and the Executives. The Executives support Student Council projects, and serve to fulfill pledges that the council leaders have. Also various events planning / promotion and practical affairs are taken care of. On the other hand, Management Committee consists of class president, vice-president, each school's and department's presidents, and holds regular meetings to communicate and discuss the needs and ideas of various issues from in and out of the college.

Student Council Projects and Events

College of Natural Sciences

Science Festival

(College of Natural Sciences Celebration)

Following the midterm in May (during first semester), we hold College of Natural Sciences Science Festival. Science Festival is made possible by all student bodies in the college. They bring together great minds in science and take out science out of the laboratory to be enjoyed by students from many different backgrounds.

College of Natural Sciences

Science Volunteer Association

College of Natural Sciences and Student Council jointly hold a fun Science Trip during the first week of August for five days at a remote area to provide great opportunities for the local students to experience various scienticfic experiments. Students from each department are encouraged to design their experiment according to their area of expertise. Also they visit local high schools to do mentoring, which is a great opportunity for them to strengthen their public spirit.

College of Natural Sciences

General Party

During November, near the end of second semester, a general party is planned for the students who are worn out of coursework. College of Natural Sciences General Party is held upon request by different schools. Dinner and various activities are available for the participants so that they can socialize among students from other schools and get a sense of belonging within the community.

College of Natural Sciences

Freshmen Center for Learning

Before freshmen enter the college, it is the first event that they can get direct acquiaintances with their upper classmen. Freshmen Center for Learning consists of orientation, opening ceremony prepared by the Student Council, socializing program on the second day, and events held by each school/department. This event is meant for students to befriend and form a special bond among each other.

* Other events such as Midnight Snack Project are being planned.