Jaːwuri (Student Counseling Center)

자연과학대학 자우리 이미지


Bld 501 Room 328




The counseling center “Jaːwuri” helps students develop abilities to successfully grow and live on campus, and also provides group counseling and psychological test services.

Who Can Use Service

Undergraduate, Graduate, Faculty, etc. Every College of Natural Sciences member.
· All advising is kept confidential.
· Light snacks are available to promote informal atmosphere.
· Group advising and educational programs will be announced when available.

Types of Service Provided

1. Advising Program
- Individual advising: If you have difficulties with sadness, uneasiness, personality, socializing and career, you can get one-on-one advising with professional conselors.
- Personality test: your mental health, personality, career, and socializing can be analyzed using a widely-accepted tool
- Group advising: participating members help each other’s growth through mutual learning

2. Education Program
- Psychology crash course : gain helpful information from a broad range of fields and improve personal capacity
- Preventive education on sexual abuse and sexual violence : promote healthy atmosphere where students are free from sexual abuse and sexual violence.

3. College of Natural Sciences Integrated Program
- Freshmen personality test: promote blending-in to the college life for freshmen
- Poor academic performance advising : look for the causes of poor academic performance and provide ways to resolve the issue

How to Contact

Contact us by visiting, giving a phone call, or sending E-mail to arrange a time to meet. Come visit JaWooRi at the time of your appointment.
Location : Bld 501 Room 328
Tell : 02) 880-4340
Email : cns.counsel@snu.ac.kr