History of College of Natural Sciences
Here the historic events of SNU College of Natural Sciences



Department of Computer Science moved to the College of Engineering
Department of Mathematics was renamed Department of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Physics was renamed the School of Physics
Department of Chemistry was renamed the School of Chemistry
Departments of Biology, Molecular Biology, and Microbiology was renamed the School of Biology
Departments of Astronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, and Geological Sciences and Oceanography was renamed the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

2001 Advanced Marine Policy Program (AMPP) founded as an executive program
2002 Bioinformatics and Nano Science and Technology founded as Interdisciplinary Programs
Pre-major system introduced to Astronomy, Atmospheric Sciences, Geological Sciences, and Oceanography
Science and Policy Advanced Research Course (SPARC) founded as an executive program
2003 Change in the undergraduate admission system: freshmen began entering into academic units of Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Earth and Environmental Sciences
2007 Department of Physics and Astronomy founded
2008 Department of Biophysics and Chemical Biology, and Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences founded (World Class University Project)
2009 Nano Science and Technology Program discontinued
2010 Neutrino Research Instiute founded in RIBS
2012 Pre-Medicine moved to College of Medicine
Pre-Veterinary Medicine moved to College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Physics and Astronomy changed undergraduate admission system

Change in the undergraduate admission system of Mathematics and Statistics

Department of Physics and Astronomy restructured into two major tracks:Physics Program; Astronomy Program
Condensed Matter Research Institute discontinued in RIBS

Institute of Applied Physics founded in RIBS



Seoul National University founded

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (including five science-related Departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geology) founded

1958 Department of Astronomy and Meteorology founded

Department of Botany and Department of Zoology separated from Department of Biology


Department of Oceanography founded

1969 Department of Microbiology founded

Seoul National University campuses relocated to Gwanak

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences reorganized into College of Natural Sciences with 13 Departments

Department of Computer Science and Statistics founded

Department of Astronomy and Meteorology separated into Department of Astronomy and Department of Meteorology


Integrated Research Institute of Natural Sciences founded

5-year SNU-US AID program supporting graduate students in basic science areas initiated
Pre-Veterinary Medicine Program discontinued

1982 Department of Geology renamed to  Department of Geological Sciences
1984 History and Philosophy of Science founded as an Interdisciplinary Program
1986 Research Institute of Oceanography founded
Department of Meteorology renamed to  Department of Atmospheric Sciences
1989 Statistical Research Institute founded

Research Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Research Institute for Molecular Science, Research Institute of Mineral Sciences, and Institute of Microbiology founded

Department of Botany and Department of Zoology renamed to Department of Biology and Department of Molecular Biology


Condensed Matter Research Institute and Atmospheric and Environmental Research Institute founded
Department of Computer Science and Statistics restructured into two major tracks: Computer Science; Statistics

1994 Genetic Engineering founded as an Interdisciplinary Program
Department of Geological Sciences and Department of Oceanography began jointly admitting undergraduate students
1995 Change in the undergraduate admission system: entering freshmen began applying to one of the four individual Departments or three Divisions
1996 Change in undergraduate admission system: entering freshmen began applying directly to the College of Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Statistics renamed to Department of Computer Science and Department of Statistics

Integrated Research Institute of Natural Sciences renamed to Research Institute of Basic Sciences (RIBS)

Five Research Institutes became affiliated with RIBS

Early Admission Program implemented


Pre-Veterinary Medicine Program re-founded


Change in the undergraduate admission system: entering freshmen applying to either Programs in Basic Sciences or Programs in Earth and Environmental Sciences