학장소개 Profile

유재준 학장

유 재 준 Jaejun Yu

서울대학교 자연과학대학장 / 물리ㆍ천문학부(물리전공) 교수
Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
학장 Professional Appointments
Professional Appointments
2022~ 서울대학교 자연과학대학 학장
2019~2022 서울대학교 기초교육원 원장
2019~2022 서울대학교 이론물리학연구소(CTP) 소장
2019~2020 한국물리학회 응집물질물리학분과 위원장
2018 독일 MPIPKS 막스플랑크 연구소, 방문연구원
2014~2016 서울대학교 기초교육원 부원장
2012~2014 서울대학교 자연과학대학 교무부학장
2011~2012 서울대학교 자유전공학부 학생부학부장
학장 Education and training
Education and training
1988 Ph.D. in Physics, Northwestern University
1986 M.S. in Physics, Northwestern University
1984 B.S. in Physics, Seoul National University
학장 Current Research
Current Research
Jaejun Yu’s research interests lie primarily in the area of condensed matter theory of strongly correlated electron materials and computational materials physics. Of particular interest is to understand and discover new physical properties of novel materials including transition metal compound and low-dimensional systems. He is also involved in the development of theoretical and computational methods and their application to the study of electronic and magnetic properties of real materials. Current research focuses on understanding topological band structures of novel transition metal compounds, e.g., Ir-oxides or chalcogenides, exploring new two-dimensional materials manifesting interesting topological characteristics of topological insulators, Chern insulators, or fractional Chern insulators, and manipulating defects in metal oxides for ptype oxide semiconductors, catalysts, and possible device applications.

[RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS] Google Scholar(https://goo.gl/hT33xf) - over 160 published papers.

학장 Awards
2012 서울대학교 교육상
2007 서울대학교 자연과학대학 우수강의상