
뇌과학세미나 초청세미나 10.5(목) 연사:POSTECH 생명과학과 박상기 교수님


- 제목 : Converging roles of schizophrenia susceptibility factors in developing brain
- 연사 : 박상기 교수님 (POSTECH 생명과학과)
- 초정자 : 허은미 교수님 (서울대학교 수의학과)
- 일시 : 2023년 10월 5일 (목) 오전 11시
- 장소: 서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 28동 302호
- 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/99632570373?pwd=QXZMWUVoZEkzVnUyY0poanAyclBHdz09
  회의 ID: 996 3257 0373 /  암호: 1234
- Abstract :
The neurodevelopmental hypothesis of schizophrenia posits that perturbed neurodevelopmental processes give rise to neuronal circuits predisposed to the emergence of symptoms during adolescence or early adulthood. Multiple genetic elements potentially contributing to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, including Disc1, MAD1L1, and AS3MT genes, have been identified through conventional human genetics and more recent large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Nevertheless, the precise neuronal functions and the underlying molecular mechanisms connecting these genes to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia remain incompletely elucidated. In this talk, we embark on an exploration of these genetic factors, with the primary aim of elucidating their intricate roles within the domain of neurodevelopment. Our investigation encompasses a detailed analysis of their functional network and their collective activities influencing the complex landscape of neurodevelopmental processes. By doing so, our objective is to provide insights into the potential molecular underpinnings that substantiate the neurodevelopmental theory of schizophrenia.
