
뇌과학세미나 초청세미나 10.12(목) 연사:KAIST 생명과학과 이승희 교수님


- 제목 : Probing neural representation of the multisensory world
- 연사 :  이승희 교수님 (KAIST 생명과학과)
- 초청자 : 신혜영 교수님 (서울대학교 생명과학과)
- 일시 : 2023년 10월 12일 (목) 오전 11시
- 장소: 서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 28동 302호
- 링크:   https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/99632570373?pwd=QXZMWUVoZEkzVnUyY0poanAyclBHdz09
  회의 ID: 996 3257 0373 /  암호: 1234
- Abstract :
Brains constantly transform sensory information into appropriate behavioral decisions to survive in a complex world. Most previous studies attempted to comprehend this process by focusing on how animals make perceptual decisions based on sensory information from a single sensory modality. In nature, however, internally and externally generated sensory signals frequently span multiple modalities. Where and how is this multimodal information merged? In such a multisensory environment, how do animals make decisions? In mice making perceptual decisions, we have discovered that the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is critical for integrating audiovisual information. Through auditory-to-visual inhibition, Inhibitory neurons in the parietal cortex play a key role in resolving audiovisual conflict. We further found that auditory inputs to the PPC were gated based on the animal’s behavioral states, allowing animals to make flexible decisions in the face of audiovisual conflicts. Our results demonstrate that audiovisual integration in the PPC is important for animals making optimal decisions in a complex multisensory environment and that the formation of selective inhibition between modalities with opposing contingencies may be a key feature of the PPC that resolves conflicts in multisensory stimuli.

첨부 : 2023년 2학기 뇌과학세미나 포스터
