
뇌과학세미나 초청세미나 11월 2일(목) 연사:성균관대학교 심리학과 김민우 교수님


- 제목 : Brain-wide Networks for Emotion: From Normal Traits to Disordered States
- 연사 : 김민우 교수님 (성균관대학교 심리학과)
- 초정자 : 최진영 교수님 (서울대학교 심리학과)
- 일시 : 2023년 11월 2일 (목) 오전 11시
- 장소: 서울대학교 관악캠퍼스 28동 302호
- 링크: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/99632570373?pwd=QXZMWUVoZEkzVnUyY0poanAyclBHdz09 

  회의 ID: 996 3257 0373 /  암호: 1234
- Abstract :

Emotion is a powerful psychological state that can determine how we engage in human interactions, and how we manage our affect is a crucial piece to being successful in the social world. My research seeks to advance our knowledge of the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that underpin how we experience our own emotions and evaluate the emotions of others. Using multimodal neuroimaging tools, my work began with examining the role of a neural circuitry that centers on the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex in such affective processes. More recently, my lab is focusing on identifying brain-wide networks that support socioemotional functions in conjunction with amygdala-prefrontal circuits, and their implications for mental health. Here, I will provide an overview of what my lab has discovered thus far from our research on human emotions and discuss future directions.


첨부: 뇌과학세미나 포스터